That day that some parents rejoice over and some cry over is coming. It's time to get your baby registered for kindergarten. Opening registration dates vary all over the Merrimack Valley.
If you're stuck with the forms, your school is there to help. Remember, the main office security in an elementary school is a great resource. They will be there to help you for many years. Be kind; they have a lot on their plate!
Family Resource Center Methuen Public Schools- Kindergarten Registration
North Andover Public Schools Kindergarten Registration
Haverhill Public Schools Kindergarten Registration
Lawrence Public Schools Kindergarten Registration
The Bagnell School Groveland- Kindergarten Registration
Boxford Public Schools- Kindergarten Registration
Middleton Public Schools Kindergarten Registration
Kindergarten Registration | Andover Public Schools
Prepare For Kindergarten
7 Practical Ways to Prepare Your Child for PreK or Kindergarten
Mindful Parenting with Mel- Prepare for Kindergarten
Kindergarten Readiness: How Do You Know if Your Child is Ready?