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Thriving Through Parenthood

Information Overload

By Written by Kristen Curtis, EFT Practioner October 13, 2023

“Hey Siri…”

“Ok Google…”

These are very frequent phrases I hear in my house every day. My kids are asking how to spell a word, solve a math equation, lyrics to their new favorite song, the list goes on. I’m asking questions about diaper brands; my husband is asking about sports team scores. 

We have this useful, efficient, little mechanism sitting in our house that can answer all of our questions within seconds. 

And the other day when I asked “Ok google, is there a 10-week-old growth spurt?” I found myself wondering….does it actually matter what google says? He is still eating twice as much as he normally does. 

I remember my mother telling me, one day when I was particularly questioning every parenting move with my first born, “You have access to too much information, just trust your gut.” 

Trust my GUT? I knew nothing about being a parent, did I even have a gut instinct to trust? 

Well, the answer is yes, I did and I do and you do too. 

Even though you might be a new mum, you still know what is best for your baby. Even though you’ve never had two kids or three or a child or a child that has tantrums or a girl instead of boys, you still know what is best for them.

This doesn’t mean you should never reach out for help or ask questions or even use google, but it does mean that what that little voice inside of your body is telling you is the voice you should follow.  

Ultimately, the more you look outside of yourself the more confused you will be. If I searched tik tok “how to deal with toddler tantrums” I would be flooded with so many different responses, even responses from child specialists/ pediatricians. 

All of these choices can leave you questioning, “what is the best thing to do?”

Your intuition will tell you what the best option is for you, or maybe you create your very own way of handling it completely outside of any suggestions. 

The less noise you let in, the more clearly you can hear yourself.

The more you can hear your intuition, the more power you have available to you

You can always trust yourself. 

With Love,
