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Thriving In Parenthood

By Written by Kristen Curtis, EFT Practioner June 23, 2023

Can we really do it all?

Having a ten-year-old, a seven-year-old and being in my third trimester of pregnancy, I often find myself at capacity- I feel drained, overwhelmed, and at my limit because I don’t have the space to support myself and them emotionally

My ten-year-old needs me to support him in listening to the latest drama happening with friends at school or how he needs more Pokemon cards or new cleats for soccer.

My seven-year-old always needs a snack, wants to feel my pregnant belly all the time, and needs to be supported in trying to keep up in the baseball battle he is having with his brother in the yard.

Then there’s the baby (who hasn’t even arrived yet) who needs me to do all my prenatal exercises, eat well, rest, walk, prepare for postpartum, tap, mediate, etc, etc etc. 

This doesn’t account for running my own business and managing my household. 

I know this isn’t abnormal. Women all over America sit in my position of feeling the pressure to juggle it all.

But can we really? Do we really have the emotional capacity to support ourselves, our family, and our kids?

The answer is YES we do. 

But how?

  • TRULY putting yourself first.

 I know you’ve heard it before, but prioritizing your energy, your emotions and your nervous system is what makes everything work. It doesn’t have to be an arduous process, it can be integrated and weaved in and out of your busy day. 

  • Show your kids your human-ness.

 As humans, we experience a range of emotions all day, every day. Let them see it. Let them see the range and how you deal with them, show THEM how you regulate your nervous system, show them how you are learning. Normalize messing up, apologizing and practicing emotional freedom.

  • Slow down and take the pause.

When it all feels too much, stop. Our minds want to spiral and go to worst        case scenario more often than they don’t. Take an easy breath. Step away. Tap. Connect back with your body. It doesn’t have to be in private, it can be right in front of your kids so they can learn how to slow down too.

Click on the video below to learn how to easily expand your nervous system to hold your emotions and the emotions of your kids and family with more ease. 

Kristen is an EFT Practioner and Akashic Records Reader. She lives in Methuen with her husband and three boys. She works specifically with parents, children and families to safely feel, cope and process emotions and empower themselves to thrive through regulating their own nervous system. Email:

IG: Kristen.curtis.eft