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Middlesex Community College's College For Kids & Teens Summer 2022

Enrolling now for specialty programs for kids age 8 to 17

February 9, 2022

Middlesex Community College’s Community Education and Training division offers a variety of pre-college activities and educational programs for youths. Exceptional programs are designed and delivered to empower and guide students as they reach personal goals and achieve academic and professional success. Programs include courses scheduled during school vacation weeks, after school and summer, and are offered on the Bedford and Lowell campuses as well as online.

MCC’s College for Kids and Teens provides students ages 8 to 17 with an exciting range of unique opportunities to explore careers, gain new knowledge, develop new skills and boost their self-confidence. Programs engage students in a fun and exciting way that will keep them busy, happy and having fun – the best way to spend a summer

The College for Kids programs are taught by public school teachers and experts in their field, including Middlesex faculty members. All program employees have experience instructing children in the content area. Courses include photography, fashion design, online gaming, graphic and web design, creative writing, filmmaking and more. A theater program also runs at MCC’s Richard and Nancy Donahue Academic Arts Center in Lowell.

Click to access the program brochure

Part of the College for Teens program, MCC’s Noncredit Youth Academies provide career exploration opportunities for music, writing, business and engineering. Taught by Middlesex faculty members, students gain direct, hands-on learning experiences and prepare for college by connecting with faculty members and learning more about completing a college application. Students who finish the 15-hour courses may be eligible to earn one college credit.

MCC’s College for Kids offer full- day and half-day programs Monday through Thursday. Full-day programs run 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. and half-day programs run 9 a.m. to noon or 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. Please note that MCC’s Theater programs run Monday through Friday. Students who take two half-day programs to make a full day can stay on campus for lunch in between the two sessions.

Visit or call 781-280-3663 for more information about MCC’s College for Kids and Teens.

College for Kids & Teens at Middlesex Community College

591 Springs Rd
Bedford MA 01730


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