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7 Ways to Celebrate Mother's Day in the Time of Coronavirus

You can show mom and grandma how much you love them, even from afar

By Kara Murphy, publisher of Macaroni Kid Erie, Pa. May 2, 2020

Mothers and grandmothers are not known for their social distancing natures. We are generally affectionate creatures, eager to give hugs, kisses, and loads of well-meaning advice.

So how can you safely show your mom or grandma how much you love her on Mother's Day during the time of coronavirus? Here are seven ideas to celebrate mom and grandma on Mother's Day from a physical distance:

1. Order takeout

Order brunch or dinner from her favorite restaurant and have it delivered right to her door with a special message from you. Join her for dinner via a video chat.

2. Make a video

Kids can list all the things they love about grandma, while you can finally tell her the story about how you used to sneak out your bedroom window. 

3. Send her a hug

Tape together a few pieces of newspaper or use the white side of wrapping paper and outline your child with their arms outstretched. Let your kids color themselves in. Fold it up, put it in an envelope and send that hug to grandma!

4. Arrange a drive-by celebration

Call her and let her know to come outside, then drive by with signs and balloons. Have siblings or other family that live nearby? Organize a mini-parade!

5. Surprise her online 

Arrange a time to chat with her via Zoom, then have other family members join a few minutes early. She'll be thrilled to see so many faces she loves.

6. Take an art class together

My kids love Art for Kids Hub on YouTube. They even have a whole section dedicated to Mother's Day projects! Grandma can choose a drawing with them to tackle altogether over video chat, or let the kids know what art project she'd like them to draw to decorate her walls.

7. Just call!

Life during coronavirus has us all under a lot of stress and pressure. So you can be forgiven if you're just not up to a big project to celebrate mom this year. Just a chat on the phone with you and your kiddos will mean the world to her. After all, it will give her plenty of opportunity to dispense advice, if not all those hugs and kisses.

Kara Murphy is the publisher of Macaroni Kid Erie, Pa.

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