Many community members are coming together to sew masks for those in the medical field and on the front lines. Unfortunately, there seems to be a large shortage of these masks, which are imperative at keeping our medical heros healthy and safe. I have seen tons of people all over Merrimack Valley coming together donating materials and time to make masks and deliver them to our local hospitals and senior centers.
If you would like to get involved, I have listed some options here:
1. Make sure you are healthy and washing hands before you make the masks at home-
Pattern options and printables
- Deaconess Pattern
- Turn a air filter into a mask- 3m Air Filter
-LGH Flyer
3. Join the facebook group- Plaistow & Friends Making Masks 😷 4 Heroes
4. How to make a facemask without elastic
5. How to make a mask with a filter
6. Where to get supplies:
-Material needs to be Cotton
- DIY Hanes Fabric Request form- All supplies are first come, first serve, and while supplies last.
-Reach out to your local Joann's fabric store. They are donating materials for free and have curbside pick up available.
-Red Barn Sewing & Yarn Center- Supplies are in a bin FREE for pick up.
-Check local facebook groups, many people who do not sew are donating materials.
7. Donation locations:
- North andover Fire Department- Accepting all types of mask donations at NAFD Station 795 Chickering Road North Andover
-NEXT DROP OFF SUNDAY 3/29 @ 3-4PM. The Newburyport Salvation Army REAR PARKING LOT. If you are sewing masks for healthcare workers. These will be collected for whatever organizations in the community have an immediate need.
-Tewksbury- Anton's Cleaners 10 Main st.
- Plaistow Library - Closed to public
- AJH Hospital- Donations can be delivered to the AJH Community Health Foundation office which is across the street from the Hospital at 18 Highland Avenue, Monday-Friday, 8am-5pm. If you call ahead to 978-463-1176, we can come out to your car and get them, or we will have bins where they can be deposited. Contact for details and with inquiries.
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