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2020 Summer Camp Fair

By Katrina Mancini January 2, 2020

Save the date!

Stop by our annual FREE Summer Camp & Kids Activities Fair 

 Sunday, March 1st, at the Holiday Inn in Tewksbury from 12 to 3 PM!

Enjoy activities, crafts and giveaways and special guest appearances! 
Gather information from 30+ camps and summer programs, including local and overnight programs, specialty programs, and local activities such as dance, martial arts, swimming, and more. Camps & activities serve children ages 3-17.

Join our Facebook event page to see updates on camps, activities, giveaways and more!

Tewksbury Camp Fair Facebook event page

FREE admission!

Meet with representatives from programs, gather information about costs, schedules and activities.

Why come to a Camp Fair instead of visiting a website or reviewing a brochure?

At a Camp Fair, you can meet Camp Directors and Counselors in person and talk with them about daily activities at the camp.  Learn about all the different sports, arts and new things that your camper will try.  Gather information on the themes and goals that prevail at camp.

Ask questions -- What if my camper is shy?  What if he doesn't like to try new things?  What if my camper has food allergies?  What if my camper needs to take medicine during the day?  What does he need to bring every day?

See pictures and video of the camp and all of the activities.

Take advantage of special offers for Camp Fair visitors and submit your email address to receive special offers later. Even enter giveaways for a free day or week of camp!

 The Summer Camp Fair is in partnership with Macaroni Kid Lowell and will include programs in Merrimack Valley PLUS the Greater Lowell

If you would like to have your business join the summer camp fair please email me at

*If you haven't signed up for the FREE Merrimack Valley Macaroni Kid newsletter to get all the weekly local events, now's the time!  SUBSCRIBE NOW to the Merrimack Valley parent's go-to resource! 

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Have a holiday event you want to submit? click HERE

Looking for events in other areas? Check out our nearby Macaroni Kid sites:



