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Free Entrance to National Parks for All Fourth Graders & Educators

Click To Get More Details & Download Your Child's FREE Pass

By Katrina Mancini September 14, 2019

Hey fourth graders! See America's natural wonders and historic sites this year ... for FREE! If you are a Teacher/Educator you can download passes for your entire class! 


4th Grader Log in to to download your pass today! 

Educators: Log into

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Our national lands and waters belong to everyone. That includes you! Use this pass to visit any of them for free. You can bring your family and friends with you for free, too!

Official rules
The pass is for U.S. fourth-grade (or home-school equivalent) students.
We can’t accept electronic versions of this paper for access or to exchange for a pass.
No refunds are given for previously purchased passes, or if you forget your pass when you visit.
If you lose your pass, get a new one by visiting the website and signing up again.
Educators can get one paper pass for each of their fourth-grade students.
This program only provides passes for fourth graders.
How it works
Show your pass to a ranger when you enter. If there is no ranger, leave it on the dashboard of your car.
If you visit a site that charges entrance fees per person— The pass admits all children under 16 and up to three adults for free.
If your group visits a site that charges vehicle entrance fees - The pass admits all children under 16 and all adults in up to one passenger vehicle. Commercial vehicles can't use a pass to get in.
If you arrive at a site on bicycle— The pass admits all children under 16 and up to three adults on bicycles.
The pass doesn't cover things like parking fees, camping, boats, and special tours. Also, some sites are managed by private operators. They may not honor the pass. Check with the site ahead of time to find out.
The pass doesn’t cover fees for local, city, or state parks and recreation areas unless they say that they accept this pass.
Paper passes can be exchanged for plastic passes at certain sites.

"By connecting fourth graders to our nation's great parks and public lands, the Every Kid in a Park initiative will help us build a strong generation of stewards who will care for and protect these treasured places during our next 100 years," said National Park Service Director Jonathan B. Jarvis. "Thanks to our philanthropic partner, the National Park Foundation, fourth graders across the nation will experience the great outdoor and historic classrooms that parks and other public lands provide."

For more information, visit






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